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Shi’ite Protest Turns Violent: Nigerian Police Suffer Casualties, Vehicles Burnt



Shi'ite Protest Turns Violent: Nigerian Police Suffer Casualties, Vehicles Burnt

Clash Between Police and Shi’ite Protesters in Abuja Turns Deadly.

A violent confrontation between Nigerian police and members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) in Abuja on Sunday resulted in the deaths of two police officers and left three others hospitalized with severe injuries. The incident occurred during the Arbaeen Symbolic Trek, a procession to commemorate the killing of Imam Hussain.

According to eyewitnesses, police fired teargas canisters and live ammunition at the protesters, killing an unspecified number of people and injuring several others. The police, however, claim that they were attacked unprovoked by IMN members wielding machetes, improvised explosive devices, and knives.

The FCT police command spokesperson, SP Josephine Adeh, confirmed the incident and stated that several arrests have been made. The police also reported that three patrol vehicles were burnt during the clash.

The IMN, however, disputes the police account, saying that they were attacked without provocation. Sheikh Sidi Munir Mainasara Sokoto, a spokesperson for the movement, stated that several members were killed and injured, and that they are still compiling the details.

The incident has raised concerns about the use of excessive force by the police and the ongoing tensions between the government and the IMN.

The incident has sparked widespread condemnation, with many calling for an investigation into the use of force by the police. Human rights groups have also expressed concern over the treatment of the IMN members and the restriction of their right to peaceful assembly.

The IMN has been banned in Nigeria since 2019, and its members have faced repeated crackdowns by the authorities. The group’s leader, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, has been in detention since 2015, despite court orders for his release.

The Arbaeen Symbolic Trek is an annual event that commemorates the killing of Imam Hussain, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. The event is marked by processions and mourning rituals, and is considered a significant event in the Shi’ite calendar.

The clash between the police and IMN members has raised tensions in Abuja, with many fearing further violence. The authorities have appealed for calm and promised to investigate the incident.

In a statement, the FCT police command said: “The situation is presently under control and normalcy restored. Further development will be communicated in due course.”

However, the IMN has vowed to continue its protests, saying that it will not be intimidated by the police crackdown.

“We will continue to demand justice and freedom for our leader, Sheikh Zakzaky,” said Sheikh Sidi Munir Mainasara Sokoto. “We will not be silenced by the police or the government.

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