Edo Police Nab Four Gunpoint Car Snatchers. In a daring operation, the Edo State Police Command has apprehended four suspects for allegedly snatching a Toyota Highlander...
Troops Foil Boko Haram Plot in Taraba, Arrest 8 Terrorists and 2 High-Profile Kidnap Informants. In a daring intelligence-driven operation, Nigerian Army troops have dealt a...
Kwara State Magistrate Court Delivers Verdict on Teenage Arsonist and Thief. In a swift display of justice, a Kwara State Magistrate Court has sentenced 18-year-old Olawumi...
Akwa Ibom Village Head, 12 Others Arrested for Gruesome Beheading of Three Marine Hunters. In a shocking turn of events, the Akwa Ibom State Police Command...
Businessman in Court for Forcing Staff to Withdraw Suit, Faces Attempted Murder Charges. Alleged Frame-Up: Enugu Police Commissioner Accused of Arresting, Arraigning Businessman to Force Withdrawal...
Mass Arrest Rocks Delta State as 123 ‘Yahoo Boys’ Face Prosecution. In a bold move to tackle cybercrime, the Nigerian Police Force has arraigned 123 suspected...
TRAGEDY STRIKES BENUE: Suspected Herdsmen Kill 45-Year-Old IDP. A devastating attack by suspected herdsmen has left a 45-year-old Internally Displaced Person (IDP) dead in Benue State....
Police Neutralize Gunman, Recover Arms and Ammunition in Anambra. In a daring operation, the Anambra State Police Command has neutralized a gunman in the Aguata Local...
Eight Terrorists Neutralized, 40 Hostages Rescued in Coordinated Operations. The Nigerian Army has announced a significant victory in its fight against terrorism, neutralizing eight terrorists and...
Bandits Bring Terror to Defence Minister’s Doorstep, 2 Dead, 40 Missing. Tragedy struck in Zamfara State on Saturday night, September 28, as armed men, suspected to...