Security News
Nigerian Navy Undertakes Week-Long Joint Maneuver with Togo, Benin Republic to Address Criminality in Gulf of Guinea
The Nigerian Navy, along with its counterparts from Togo and Benin Republic, recently conducted a week-long joint exercise codenamed “Safe Domain III.” The operation aimed to curb criminal activities in the Gulf of Guinea waters. The exercise saw the deployment of air and sea assets, including ships and helicopters, to simulate various scenarios and prevent criminal access to the maritime space.
At the closing ceremony, Commodore Aniedi Aniedu Ibok highlighted the importance of harmonizing communication systems and involving Maritime Operational Centers in future operations. He emphasized that the operation would continue despite the closing ceremony, with ships and assets returning to their individual countries to continue daily patrols and information sharing.
The participating countries deployed four ships, one defender boat, and one helicopter to patrol the high seas during the five-day launch period. The operation aimed to protect the Blue Economy of ECOWAS Zone E through maritime security collaboration. The ships conducted several maritime drills to strengthen collaboration and interoperability in the fight against illicit activities such as sea robbery, maritime piracy, and illegal trafficking.
The success of the operation was attributed to the leadership of Zone E and the cooperation of the various Chiefs of Naval Staff. The operation demonstrated the importance of pooling resources, promoting information exchange, and creating a secure environment for maritime commerce.
Commanding Officer Captain Idongesit Udoessien noted the operation’s overall success despite communication challenges and technical disruptions. He recommended continued investment in advanced surveillance technology, strengthening communication infrastructure, and regular joint exercises to improve maritime security. Representatives from Togo and Benin expressed satisfaction with the outcome, highlighting the need for a harmonized communications plan.